
Publié le par philvae

J'ai décidé de revoir un peu l'anglais pour la VAE...on ne sait jamais ce qu'il me sera demandé lors de mon oral !

Je travaille sur un texte trouvé sur le Times du 27 juin 2006, intitulé " Dealing with the arrogance of youth".

Voici ce texte :

Dealing with the arrogance of youth

Employers are finding that many new graduates still have much to learn.

YOUNG people, especially new graduates, believe they are fully qualified to leap up the corporate ladder immediately, while their bosses see them as arrogant know-alls who lack the social and communications skills to organise a coffee rota.

The authors of the report believe the disconnect is serious enough to warrant inclusion of social and communications skills in the school curriculum. One of them, Duncan O’Leary, says: “It became clear that young people do not realise they do not have the communications skills needed in the corporate world”.

The curriculum is full enough, so we want to integrate communications skills rather than put them in a separate subject like citizenship. We need to teach the ability to work with others.” This could be done by introducing a “skills portfolio” that every school student would build up to demonstrate acquisition of the communications and social attainments not taught formally.

 Kim Collins, a manager at Manpower, advises students to work during holidays to build the inter-personal and communications skills employers need: “Graduates think that time off to work in a café will give them the life skills they need, but they put much more weight on that than an employer does.”

A variety of experiences is desirable, including jobs that demonstrate corporate virtues of reliability and team working. “Employers like work experience that involves work with customers, where punctuality and reliability shine through, I advise temporary work with different roles. It is a great way to broaden your horizons and gives you a reality check.”

The traditional gap year is now more often combined with work rather than simply travelling. This can include valuable items on a student’s CV.

Petit à petit je traduirai ce texte....à moins que quelqu'un de "compétent" me fasse la traduction ! Merci d'avance !

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